Educational and institutional
Educational and institutional
Selected projects
These projects all fall within a five year period and yet represent a wide range from large and constructed projects to purely exploratory sketches.
While I was at Perry Dean and Stewart [PDS - at the time, a medical facilities specialty firm] I was privileged to head the renovation department with my primary assignment being the venerable McLean Hospital [psychiatric]. There I undertook dozens of renovation and specialty projects, including the conversion of a historic gymnasium to the main fiscal offices and the addition of themed outdoor play areas, that would provide therapeutic lessons, to the Children’s Center.
Stephen Holt headed the historic restoration department at PDS so that Holt and Bosch became the logical extension of those two departments. This fledgling partnership focused its projects on the North Shore and at Avon Old Farms seeking mostly renovation and residential projects, and for the newly created Landmark School for children with learning disabilities. Other exploratory projects for Holt and Bosch included two youth centers and the conversion of a bowling alley for use as a community college.
The little classroom project best captures the spirit of that time. The new school had 40 students but no resources and insufficient classroom space. The wood-shop teacher proposed to use the carpentry class to build small, free-standing classrooms. Each design was also to be an architectural lesson so each classroom became more complex. We deliberately prepared drawings and notation to be straightforward so that dyslectic teens could take a lead. Decades later, in my role as architect for the City of Portland, always striving for contractor diversity and inclusion, the lesson of straightforward drawings and notation became once again an imperative.
My architect colleagues will appreciate the neighborhood health clinic competition - not necessarily for its bold “heroic-age” modernity - but, because the submission requirements required pen and ink drawn directly onto the presentation boards!
Additional descriptions follow on each project page.